Organizational Clarity: Status plus moving forward

Looking through old assignments and found a couple of useful things that I can post upon here to help give some clarity to the field of organizational development. I noticed that many students and professionals post a few blog posts online with some great information but after a while either get disillusioned and quit or did it for an assignment then stopped after it was completed.

I started the blog as an assignment but decided to add more to it because there just is not a lot of information about the field out there. Plus, if there is any information it is usually disjointed or all over the place, giving the researcher multiple sources with bits and pieces everywhere. Hopefully, these new posts will streamline that process for everyone and make researching for material and sources easier for everyone.

Organizational Clarity: A wiki post called “List various HPI models”

So I wrote a couple of articles for a Human Performance Improvement class assignment that was a Wiki for the class and it was segmented into subject matter that dealt with organizational development and improving the human performance of the employees in the organization. I believe this will help students and professionals alike explain the concepts that deal with Human Performance improvement. This wiki posting is answering the question: List various HPI models

this is what I wrote for the class:

There are various models used to improve human performance within an Organization besides the usual ASTD HPI model. The five alternative models that I have found and each one differs in the organization of the model and how it approaches the problem.

  • Rossett Model
  • HPT Model
  • HPT Model – Gilbert’s Behavior Engineering Model
  • Performer Centered Model
  • Synthesized HPT Model

The one that stood out the most was the Rossett Model introduced by Allison Rossett in 1992 the model is broken down into three phases: Analysis, Selection, and Solution Systems (Cheek, 2013).

  • The first phase (the Analysis) is broken down into two more sections and simple to remember the actual section is the present state of employee productivity while the optimal section is of course what the organization standard of employee performance. Rossett uses a cause analysis to understand how the performance gap came to
  • The second phase (Selection) is where the professional takes the data gained by the cause analysis regarding the performance gap then the professional assesses the organization’s goals to determine they are achievable (realistic) if not changes are made.
  • The third phase (Solution Systems) is the most important because this is where the professional decides what intervention(s) will be used to clear or narrow the organization’s performance gap. This phase is broken (even more) into four categories:
  1. human resources development (career development, incentives, training, and motivation),
  2. organization development (this where the organization is reorganized to reach optimal performance levels),
  3. human resources management, focuses on the management staff, their relationship with employees and how they motivate them to achieve tasks (King Jr, 2013).,
  4. and engineering (is merely the technical devices that an organization uses to complete tasks and enhance performance).

This model is very extensive it stands out from the usual ASTD HPI Model due to the mission evaluation phase which measures the impact of such a program (based on this model) upon an organization.

Cheek, Ryan (2013) “Rossett Model” Human Performance Technology Manual PBWorks Retrieved on February 2, 2017, from

King Jr, C. L. (2013). An exploration of the use of Gilberts behavior engineering model to identify barriers to technology integration in a public school.

Cheek, Ryan (2013) “Rossett Model” Human Performance Technology Manual PBWorks Retrieved on February 2, 2017, from:

King Jr, C. L. (2013). An exploration on the use of Gilberts behavior engineering model to identify barriers to technology integration in a public school.