Organizational Clarity: Human Performance Improvement -PDI Feedback

In another assignment in Human Performance Improvement class I was given the assignment to focus upon a creating change to a fictional organization (or part three) it focused upon the external stakeholders involved and how HPI can be used towards this group. Again, this is a fictional account with the details listed in an assignment and the parameters dealt with worst case scenario type issues in an organization so therefore with the idea of unlimited budgets and resources (I know when does that happens?) this assignment was crafted with those variables in mind. Please post any comments or questions to facilitate a discussion in the comments sections below.

Focusing on the Human Performance Technology (HPT) Model and building on the Cause Analysis mechanism, in the form of student surveys we build a foundation to gain an understanding of the environment factors which impact the team’s and organization’s overall productivity. We also implement employee, management surveys to recreate the team spirit that is missing from the department. Therefore, using the HPT Model as the basis, we have selected five interventions for this project as defined in the Performance Support Tool 9.1:

  1. Personal Development Interventions (Feedback).
  2. Performance Support Interventions (Documentation and Standards)
  3. Organizational Design and Development Inventions (Empowerment-Team Strategies)
  4. Human Resource Development Interventions (Organization Growth-Management Development/Individual Growth-360-degree Appraisals).
  5. Organizational Design and Development (Organizational Values-Culture).

Of all the five interventions chosen, the number one intervention I deemed necessary to the success of this project is the Personal Development Interventions- Feedback. (Van Tiem, et al., 2012). This way team management The FA email team and site directors can discuss the issues of the Email backlog, low student survey score, lack of support, etc., in a collaborative manner. Done without fears of corrective action or further isolation occurring with the 360-degree feedback model (Hamilton, & Patel, 2012). This I feel is the easiest method to communicate solutions regarding the dysfunctional structure of procedures and processes that the organization’s customers are complaining about.  Since the organizational culture is embedded and the likelihood of a miraculous 360 change for the entire department or organization will not happen overnight. I believe this is a more team oriented approach that allows all those concerned to gain an understanding how to improve their overall team performance and create an immediate but practical solution for productivity. This speedy intervention from an internal standpoint, allows immediate feedback and focus on the problem. From an external standpoint it immediately deals with issues that presently concern the student body. If we were to implement the other, protracted interventions first, the University would possibly face a major exodus of students as a result.

By administering a 360-degree survey the employees express their individual perceptions through the rating process of how the organization perceives them and their effectiveness in their job roles (Hazucha, et al,.1993). Included in that is how effective each individual perceives the impact of their coworkers and management staff this is all done anonymously so that the data is accurate as possible. Coupled with the data gathered by the student surveys employees are then presented with all the material in a supportive atmosphere so that it facilitates effective coaching and development amongst the team members (Hamilton, & Patel, 2012). In this environment constructive feedback is shared between the employees and management staff so the performance responsibilities are clearly understood and the team’s performance can be improved. 360-degree feedback meetings and duplicate surveys are rescheduled for reinforcement purposes on a monthly basis are added to complement the original surveys and 360-degree meetings. This is done to judge the impact of the program upon the initial perceptions of the employees and what degree of change has occurred as a result.

Steps to administrating 360 Feedback Sessions
1.      Conduct Student Survey
2.      Gather Student Surveys
3.      Conduct Employee and Management Surveys
4.      Gather Employee and Management Surveys
5.      Tally all three surveys to rate the effectiveness of Management and Staff
6.      Constructive group feedback (through FA Jeopardy/team strategy meetings)
7.      Constructive individual feedback (through role playing/discussion of strengths and areas of development regarding performance)
8.      Monthly Follow up Surveys

My second choice was the Performance Support Intervention of Documentation and Standards, although I feel that employees need to be clear about the job requirements for their daily tasks, the Feedback intervention (360-degree feedback) would cover the basics of the intervention (Van Tiem, et al., 2012).  I would also add that the FA Email team overall customer service score on the student surveys was 63%, therefore one can concur the foundations for job expectations is already exists. Understanding why the performance gap happened and how to reach the desired performance in this situation could not be solved with just repeating current policies and procedures, to the employees. Discussion for solutions for faulty procedures and policies as covered in the Feedback intervention would astern workable approaches to the enormous time sensitive problem that faces the team.

My third choice is the Organizational Design and Development Invention of Empowerment: Team Strategies again the basics of this intervention will be emphasized in the Feedback intervention (Van Tiem, et al., 2012). The problem here is that the FA email team is on an island by themselves, the organizational culture divides its departments into task oriented teams and by the type of Financial Aid knowledge needed to complete daily tasks. Included into the factors the strengthen this division are the competitive goals set by the organization which increases the negative effects that occur. Stressing team exclusion is part of the organizational culture this problem is far-reaching to the point that there is a division between the FA email team and its management staff. The Beginning for the viable lines of communication with Feedback intervention starts the baby steps to becoming a true cohesive unit and meets the basic needs of all the stakeholders, now.

My fourth choice is Human Resource Development Interventions whether it is Organization Growth with Management Development or Individual Growth with 360-degree Appraisals the feedback approach is well and alive in both methods (Van Tiem, et al., 2012). In the 360-degree appraisals the customer surveys I have included in the Feedback intervention echoes here. However, there is no intent to “soften the blow” of the information given to the employee with the Organizational Culture that exists such an exercise would have a negative effect. This is due to the lack of knowledge that team management and FA site directors have of the expected job duties of the FA email team therefore without further information about these duties the ratings will be askew. The same holds true from the Management Development approach this is a lengthy approach that addresses the lack of interpersonal skills of the management staff, however due to time constraints training to bridge this lack of knowledge and personality is not suitable for this situation (Van Tiem, et al., 2012). The break between team management and the team itself is based on the lack of problem solving skills of management which this method adheres to solving. But an extensive needs assessment is required to fully understand that performance gap, something the organization is not willing to endure as the issues of low productivity numbers by the FA email team are affecting the rest or the organization.

To explain why my final choice is Organizational Design and Development, Organizational Values-Culture there is a realization that the Organizational culture is the initial cause for divisions in the department and the rest or the organization (Van Tiem, et al., 2012). This division is paralyzing the entire Organization to the point where simple restructuring of teams or the temporary assignment of employees to assist the FA email team is almost impossible. From a clinical and realistic standpoint, the organization needs to change entirely but not all of the stakeholders can wait for widespread modifications. As the survey data shows the student population is not elated with the University’s performance so far, and will not be patient. With any Organizational culture there is resistance to change for the organization to be successful in meeting the needs of its students it must have zero resistance to change. Therefore, the Feedback intervention is chosen to focus mainly upon the immediate team involved with this issue to get to the heart of the matter and work on creative solutions that address the issue at hand.

The best practices as demonstrated by the 360-degree feedback implementation at Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. would be replicated here at Omir University (Caruso, 2011). For example, in the survey process, Starwood decided that their survey questions would be adjusted or aimed at the skill levels of management, not just the employees. Furthermore, this process addressed individual strengths along with areas that still needed development, through positive assessments and not the usual one on one coaching methods, that have considerable negative conations. This way everyone can add into this data their unique perceptions of how they contribute to the organization, what they do best and what they believe they need improvement with on a daily basis, without judgment.

As at Starwood, the 360-degree feedback implemented at Omir University would give the entire team a structure or foundation of “what to focus on” the team’s knowledge of individual expectations so that bridging any performance gaps will be simple (Caruso, 2011). From an organizational standpoint, the benefits gained from these best practices is a foundation of data to grow upon. Additionally, from this data, the University’s Human Resource department can develop additional programs with a distinct scope that reaches into each part of the department. This extended reach allows the University to reduce the waste of previous resources similar to the implementation at Starwood (Caruso, 2011).


Caruso, Karen N. (2011)“Case Study: Starwood Hotels Takes 360 Degree Feedback to a New Level” viaPeople Insight – Performance Management & Succession Planning Blog Mon, Aug 29, 2011 ViaPeople Retrieved on February 23, 2017 from:

Hamilton, Diane, & Patel, Nilesh (2012) “Best practices in 360-degree feedback” Forward HR Aug 22, 2012 In Business Madison Retrieved on February 16, 2017 from:

Hazucha, J. F., Hezlett, S. A., & Schneider, R. J. (1993). The impact of 360‐degree feedback on management skills development. Human Resource Management, 32(2‐3), 325-351.

Van Tiem, D., Moseley, J. L., & Dessinger, J. C. (2012). Fundamentals of performance improvement: Optimizing results through people, process, and organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

Organizational Clarity: Goals when learning about HPI

In one of my classes we were asked define our goals when it came to the class and what we should learn from HPI these are very general goals so bear with me! This is an actual entry from that class, please add any questions or points you want to share to this blog post. Please add points or possible solutions to the comments section of this blog entry.

What are your learning goals for this course? Why are they important to you?

My learning goals in this course is to understand the definition of HPI comes in the forms of questions as HPI translates differently from the academic (text) to real world application. For example, who is accountable for Intervention maintenance after the invention is completed and what factors determine the length of maintenance? This is important to me because even though an intervention is successful if the intervention is phased out after less than a year in operation what is the point of it?

I have seen this multiple times in which HPI programs have been rolled out and were implemented with success, the program got great feedback from management and the employees only to be trashed six months later. The reason I usually hear is because the program was not maintainable, whether due to budgetary concerns or staff allocation, which if proper planning was done this would not be a problem! However, it is usually because of other external factors which somehow floats the responsibility of such programs to different individuals each month like a game of spin the bottle that makes the program lose its consistency.

Another goal is to understand how Sponsors are really aligned with HPI, because accountability seems to be a problem whenever I see a workplace intervention that deals with HPI. Sponsors simply have no connection nor want to communicate or interact with anyone else involved other than say how good the intervention is going which is usually not the reality. In textbooks like the one for this class, sponsors are required to be in it for the long haul, but that is not really the case in real life applications (Van Tiem et al., 2012)! I hope that this class and the text can give me the insights to nail down disappearing sponsors that shy away from things like accountability and sustainability but look for a sizable ROI nor want to make decisions that affect change.

Oh I was sure I had to add this with the goals forum altogether but this is my questions forum post as well:

One of the burning questions that I have about HPI that I hope to be able to answer is, how to gain or maintain sustainability after a success intervention? Also another question I have, is how do you hold accountable a sponsor who is interested in a HPI one moment, then loses interests (and the HPI loses support) the next, only to be shocked when the HPI fails?


Organizational Clarity: Status plus moving forward

Looking through old assignments and found a couple of useful things that I can post upon here to help give some clarity to the field of organizational development. I noticed that many students and professionals post a few blog posts online with some great information but after a while either get disillusioned and quit or did it for an assignment then stopped after it was completed.

I started the blog as an assignment but decided to add more to it because there just is not a lot of information about the field out there. Plus, if there is any information it is usually disjointed or all over the place, giving the researcher multiple sources with bits and pieces everywhere. Hopefully, these new posts will streamline that process for everyone and make researching for material and sources easier for everyone.

Organizational Clarity: Performance Guru

In one of my classes we were asked to find a Performance guru someone who revolutionize the industry that they were in, or made such a s huge impact that their contributions were felt on a global scale.  This is an actual entry from that class, please add any questions or points you want to share to this blog post. Please add points or possible solutions to the comments section of this blog entry.

Identify someone you admire–someone who has accomplished something that you’d like to do one day but just haven’t been able to pull off. This can be a person who is well known or an unsung hero. The accomplishment should involve factors outside the realm of natural or inherent talent (for example, if you can’t carry a tune, don’t choose Adele) and in large part due to aspects of performance that can be managed. Tell us about your “Performance Guru” by:

Including a brief bio of this person and a link to a web resource if available

Describe why you selected this person

How this person’s performance drove his/her success–add details and specifics where available

How his/her performance relates to the principles of HPT

Although, he is not my first choice, I picked Ray Kroc founder of the McDonald’s System, Inc., that and because of the movie “the Founder” which I have yet to see (The, 2017).  Ray Kroc was not the founder of McDonald’s he was merely a milkshake machine salesman that understood the potential of the business and how to franchise it. McDonalds was actually a Barbeque restaurant founded in 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald, he (Kroc) merely took what they started in terms of an assembly line and standardized food portions for the product and applied this laser-like focus to everything else in the restaurant. Kroc became the president of McDonalds in 1955 to 1977 his determination engaged the people around him and underneath him (community of practice) to take McDonald’s from its humble beginnings in San Bernardino and create multimillion dollar corporation that evolved its reach to even larger global force it is today (The, 2017).

As my third choice, I like the fact that Kroc saw the methodologies that the McDonald’s brothers had in place, and simply improved on the policies and procedures then applied that singular focus to other areas of the restaurant such as cleanliness and store design (The, 2017). This limited the amount of investment and funding planning/decisions that each Franchisee would need to implement. The McDonald’s corporation already forecasts these practices as evident through their product portion sizes, or packaging designs, McDonald’s has with years of experience developed a formula of automation and standardization that allows it to maximize its potential and profits.

Ray Kroc used Strategic planning to direct the organization into franchisees and developed a formula which included not only the franchisees but also the organization’s suppliers; and employees. This allowed a measure of talent management that created “Hamburger University” in which he created a standardized method of management training (, 2017). It also allowed Kroc to push the concept that individually owned franchisees although are their own, singular business, are still united under the McDonald’s organizational umbrella. With employee training, employee, career and organization development being united into one message of organizational commitment that the training at Hamburger U provides Kroc developed a successful business model that is a great example of the principles of HPT (Van Tiem, et al., 2012).

Web bio for Ray Kroc:

McDonald’s Web bio for Ray Kroc:


The (2017) “Ray Kroc Biography” Biography Retrieved on February 13, 2017 from: (2017) “About us: Our History” McDonalds Corporation Retrieved on February 13, 2017 from:

Van Tiem, D., Moseley, J. L., & Dessinger, J. C. (2012). Fundamentals of performance improvement: Optimizing results through people, process, and organizations. John Wiley & Sons.


Organization Clarity: HPT in the news

In one of my classes that dealt with HPT we were asked to find a business/organization in the news and discuss how using the HPT Model, what changes or actions we would implement and provide links to the imaginary scenario. This is an actual entry from that class, please add any questions or points you want to share to this blog post. Please add points or possible solutions to the comments section of this blog entry.

The need for performance improvement is universal and permeates just about every aspect of our world. Locate a real-life example of an individual, a group, or an organization that has an issue that the HPT model might address. Look for these problems in current events, web based social media, newspapers, magazines, etc. Post a link to the problem story and add your thoughts about how the HPT model might be applied to find and implement solutions.

I am picking an organization that recently made a huge announcement in the local news yesterday, Caterpillar, which recently announced that it will move its corporate headquarters from Peoria, Il to Chicago, IL.  On NBC News, it was stated that the company would move 300 executive jobs to the city of Chicago, however what this article adds to it is that Caterpillar was scheduled to build a new headquarters in Peoria but that idea was put on the shelve in 2015 (, 2017). This would have also added a high numbers of construction jobs in the Peoria area as well. The issue is that the company is enduring its fifth straight year of revenue loss, so to conveniently meet with its global customers (66% of the business) the company has decided that it was easier to move into Chicago (Trotter, 2017). With the two major airports the company believes it will be easier to meet and keep clients with the city’s multiple transportation options.

Caterpillar believes it has a credible option, for both the company, Chicago by opening a new office and transporting 300 employees and also by leaving 12,000 jobs still in Peoria (Trotter, 2017). However, in this case I believe the HPT model if implemented would reflect that the Caterpillar has not done a complete Performance Analysis. In this case, I believe the company needs to reapply or reconsider doing another Environmental Analysis, stating that schmoozing foreign clients in the Peoria area the reason the company is losing money seems strange. I would definitely concentrate on competition since Caterpillar is fighting for its place in a global market.

Plus, I would run another Cause Analysis to check recheck how did this decision to move came about. If Caterpillar believes moving to the city of Chicago is the type of environment which will help the company attract new clientele and strengthen the business relationships of current ones, I am not sure if the data they received was accurate. I would send a lighthearted survey to the organization’s the clientele regarding how much a change in locations would sway their decision to do business with Caterpillar.

Also, I would want to know what type of environmental supports were obviously not available in Peoria that are in Chicago to see if there are relationships and partnerships with the local community now, that were hardly or never utilized and thereby harming the organization. Seeing how the organization which seemingly has no problem with moving out of its Corporate headquarters for more than 50 years, can give one the impression that the organization had a mediocre relationship with the local community. Going on the basis that the area was a negative factor to attracting clients, the organization is thoroughly disengaged with the community of Peoria, but understanding why that happened would also assist in determining how Caterpillar can make appropriate changes to overcome its five-year performance gap in Chicago.

References (2017) “Caterpillar Moving Global Headquarters to Chicago Area” NBC Universal Media, LLC Jan 31, 2017

Trotter, Greg (2017) “In Peoria, Caterpillar’s move feels like ‘kick in the gut’ Chicago Tribune Jan 31, 2017 Retrieved on January 31, 2017 from:




Organizational Clarity: A wiki post called “List various HPI models”

So I wrote a couple of articles for a Human Performance Improvement class assignment that was a Wiki for the class and it was segmented into subject matter that dealt with organizational development and improving the human performance of the employees in the organization. I believe this will help students and professionals alike explain the concepts that deal with Human Performance improvement. This wiki posting is answering the question: List various HPI models

this is what I wrote for the class:

There are various models used to improve human performance within an Organization besides the usual ASTD HPI model. The five alternative models that I have found and each one differs in the organization of the model and how it approaches the problem.

  • Rossett Model
  • HPT Model
  • HPT Model – Gilbert’s Behavior Engineering Model
  • Performer Centered Model
  • Synthesized HPT Model

The one that stood out the most was the Rossett Model introduced by Allison Rossett in 1992 the model is broken down into three phases: Analysis, Selection, and Solution Systems (Cheek, 2013).

  • The first phase (the Analysis) is broken down into two more sections and simple to remember the actual section is the present state of employee productivity while the optimal section is of course what the organization standard of employee performance. Rossett uses a cause analysis to understand how the performance gap came to
  • The second phase (Selection) is where the professional takes the data gained by the cause analysis regarding the performance gap then the professional assesses the organization’s goals to determine they are achievable (realistic) if not changes are made.
  • The third phase (Solution Systems) is the most important because this is where the professional decides what intervention(s) will be used to clear or narrow the organization’s performance gap. This phase is broken (even more) into four categories:
  1. human resources development (career development, incentives, training, and motivation),
  2. organization development (this where the organization is reorganized to reach optimal performance levels),
  3. human resources management, focuses on the management staff, their relationship with employees and how they motivate them to achieve tasks (King Jr, 2013).,
  4. and engineering (is merely the technical devices that an organization uses to complete tasks and enhance performance).

This model is very extensive it stands out from the usual ASTD HPI Model due to the mission evaluation phase which measures the impact of such a program (based on this model) upon an organization.

Cheek, Ryan (2013) “Rossett Model” Human Performance Technology Manual PBWorks Retrieved on February 2, 2017, from

King Jr, C. L. (2013). An exploration of the use of Gilberts behavior engineering model to identify barriers to technology integration in a public school.

Cheek, Ryan (2013) “Rossett Model” Human Performance Technology Manual PBWorks Retrieved on February 2, 2017, from:

King Jr, C. L. (2013). An exploration on the use of Gilberts behavior engineering model to identify barriers to technology integration in a public school.