Organizational Clarity: Goals when learning about HPI

In one of my classes we were asked define our goals when it came to the class and what we should learn from HPI these are very general goals so bear with me! This is an actual entry from that class, please add any questions or points you want to share to this blog post. Please add points or possible solutions to the comments section of this blog entry.

What are your learning goals for this course? Why are they important to you?

My learning goals in this course is to understand the definition of HPI comes in the forms of questions as HPI translates differently from the academic (text) to real world application. For example, who is accountable for Intervention maintenance after the invention is completed and what factors determine the length of maintenance? This is important to me because even though an intervention is successful if the intervention is phased out after less than a year in operation what is the point of it?

I have seen this multiple times in which HPI programs have been rolled out and were implemented with success, the program got great feedback from management and the employees only to be trashed six months later. The reason I usually hear is because the program was not maintainable, whether due to budgetary concerns or staff allocation, which if proper planning was done this would not be a problem! However, it is usually because of other external factors which somehow floats the responsibility of such programs to different individuals each month like a game of spin the bottle that makes the program lose its consistency.

Another goal is to understand how Sponsors are really aligned with HPI, because accountability seems to be a problem whenever I see a workplace intervention that deals with HPI. Sponsors simply have no connection nor want to communicate or interact with anyone else involved other than say how good the intervention is going which is usually not the reality. In textbooks like the one for this class, sponsors are required to be in it for the long haul, but that is not really the case in real life applications (Van Tiem et al., 2012)! I hope that this class and the text can give me the insights to nail down disappearing sponsors that shy away from things like accountability and sustainability but look for a sizable ROI nor want to make decisions that affect change.

Oh I was sure I had to add this with the goals forum altogether but this is my questions forum post as well:

One of the burning questions that I have about HPI that I hope to be able to answer is, how to gain or maintain sustainability after a success intervention? Also another question I have, is how do you hold accountable a sponsor who is interested in a HPI one moment, then loses interests (and the HPI loses support) the next, only to be shocked when the HPI fails?


Organizational Clarity: Status plus moving forward

Looking through old assignments and found a couple of useful things that I can post upon here to help give some clarity to the field of organizational development. I noticed that many students and professionals post a few blog posts online with some great information but after a while either get disillusioned and quit or did it for an assignment then stopped after it was completed.

I started the blog as an assignment but decided to add more to it because there just is not a lot of information about the field out there. Plus, if there is any information it is usually disjointed or all over the place, giving the researcher multiple sources with bits and pieces everywhere. Hopefully, these new posts will streamline that process for everyone and make researching for material and sources easier for everyone.

Organization Clarity: HPT in the news

In one of my classes that dealt with HPT we were asked to find a business/organization in the news and discuss how using the HPT Model, what changes or actions we would implement and provide links to the imaginary scenario. This is an actual entry from that class, please add any questions or points you want to share to this blog post. Please add points or possible solutions to the comments section of this blog entry.

The need for performance improvement is universal and permeates just about every aspect of our world. Locate a real-life example of an individual, a group, or an organization that has an issue that the HPT model might address. Look for these problems in current events, web based social media, newspapers, magazines, etc. Post a link to the problem story and add your thoughts about how the HPT model might be applied to find and implement solutions.

I am picking an organization that recently made a huge announcement in the local news yesterday, Caterpillar, which recently announced that it will move its corporate headquarters from Peoria, Il to Chicago, IL.  On NBC News, it was stated that the company would move 300 executive jobs to the city of Chicago, however what this article adds to it is that Caterpillar was scheduled to build a new headquarters in Peoria but that idea was put on the shelve in 2015 (, 2017). This would have also added a high numbers of construction jobs in the Peoria area as well. The issue is that the company is enduring its fifth straight year of revenue loss, so to conveniently meet with its global customers (66% of the business) the company has decided that it was easier to move into Chicago (Trotter, 2017). With the two major airports the company believes it will be easier to meet and keep clients with the city’s multiple transportation options.

Caterpillar believes it has a credible option, for both the company, Chicago by opening a new office and transporting 300 employees and also by leaving 12,000 jobs still in Peoria (Trotter, 2017). However, in this case I believe the HPT model if implemented would reflect that the Caterpillar has not done a complete Performance Analysis. In this case, I believe the company needs to reapply or reconsider doing another Environmental Analysis, stating that schmoozing foreign clients in the Peoria area the reason the company is losing money seems strange. I would definitely concentrate on competition since Caterpillar is fighting for its place in a global market.

Plus, I would run another Cause Analysis to check recheck how did this decision to move came about. If Caterpillar believes moving to the city of Chicago is the type of environment which will help the company attract new clientele and strengthen the business relationships of current ones, I am not sure if the data they received was accurate. I would send a lighthearted survey to the organization’s the clientele regarding how much a change in locations would sway their decision to do business with Caterpillar.

Also, I would want to know what type of environmental supports were obviously not available in Peoria that are in Chicago to see if there are relationships and partnerships with the local community now, that were hardly or never utilized and thereby harming the organization. Seeing how the organization which seemingly has no problem with moving out of its Corporate headquarters for more than 50 years, can give one the impression that the organization had a mediocre relationship with the local community. Going on the basis that the area was a negative factor to attracting clients, the organization is thoroughly disengaged with the community of Peoria, but understanding why that happened would also assist in determining how Caterpillar can make appropriate changes to overcome its five-year performance gap in Chicago.

References (2017) “Caterpillar Moving Global Headquarters to Chicago Area” NBC Universal Media, LLC Jan 31, 2017

Trotter, Greg (2017) “In Peoria, Caterpillar’s move feels like ‘kick in the gut’ Chicago Tribune Jan 31, 2017 Retrieved on January 31, 2017 from:




Organizational Clarity: A wiki post called “Describe the ASTD HPI model”

So I wrote a couple of articles for a Human Performance Improvement class assignment that was a Wiki for the class and it was segmented into subject matter that dealt with organizational development and improving the human performance of the employees in the organization. I believe this will help students and professionals alike explain the concepts that deal with Human Performance improvement. This wiki posting is answering the question: Describe the ASTD HPI model. This is what I wrote for the class:

The ASTD HPI Model focuses on the Human Performance Improvement (HPI) professional during and after the intervention period. The ASTD HPI Model defines what the HPI professional’s role is, the outputs that are desired by the organization which they must deliver, and the ethical issues may they face during implementation. Plus, the ASTD HPI Model guides the Professional on how to assess individual stakeholder competencies and other various factors which can impact the HPI professional as they are trying to enhance human performance (Rothwell, 1999). The ASTD Model defines the roles for the HPI professional as it is divided into different stages: The Analyst, Intervention Specialist, the Change Manager and finally as the Evaluator (Rothwell, et al., 2012).

In each stage the HPI professional is gauging the performance gap identifying key issues that cause it (Analyst), then after identification, the best solution is chosen (Intervention Specialist) to narrow of fill the gap(s) in performance.  The HPI professional then as the change manager guides or leads the organization through the program implementation until that implementation has been completed as judged by the impact and whatever its result (negative or positive). Then the HPI professional as defined by the ASTD HPI Model reports the impact, the results and how the intervention(s) affected all the stakeholders involved.

This is an illustration of the ATD Human performance improvement model:

Keyword team (2017) “Human performance improvement Gallery” Retrieved on February 1st, 2017 from

Rothwell, W. J. (1999). ASTD models for human performance improvement: Roles, competencies, and outputs. American Society for Training and Development.

Rothwell, W. J., Hohne, C. K., & King, S. B. (2012). Human performance improvement. Routledge.

Organizational Clarity: Describing the ASTD HPI Model

In a Human Performance Improvement class, I had to describe the ASTD HPI Model for an HPI wiki project assignment, I admit I did something basic so that I could allow my fellow students to add to the description. But however brief it may be I wanted to post it here in hopes that someone else can use it as well:

The ASTD HPI Model focuses on the Human Performance Improvement (HPI) professional during and after the intervention period. The ASTD HPI Model defines what the HPI professional’s role is, the outputs that are desired by the organization which they must deliver, and the ethical issues may they face during implementation. Plus, the ASTD HPI Model guides the Professional on how to assess individual stakeholder competencies and other various factors which can impact the HPI professional as they are trying to enhance human performance (Rothwell, 1999). The ASTD Model defines the roles for the HPI professional as it is divided into different stages: The Analyst, Intervention Specialist, the Change Manager and finally as the Evaluator (Rothwell, et al., 2012).

In each stage the HPI professional is gauging the performance gap identifying key issues that cause it (Analyst), then after identification, the best solution is chosen (Intervention Specialist) to narrow of fill the gap(s) in performance.  The HPI professional then as the change manager guides or leads the organization through the program implementation until implementation has been completed and there is an impact regardless of the result. Then the HPI professional as defined by the ASTD HPI Model reports the impact, the results and how the intervention(s) affected all the stakeholders involved.

Keyword team (2017) “Human performance improvement Gallery” Retrieved on February 1st, 2017 from

Rothwell, W. J. (1999). ASTD models for human performance improvement: Roles, competencies, and outputs. American Society for Training and Development.

Rothwell, W. J., Hohne, C. K., & King, S. B. (2012). Human performance improvement. Routledge.


Organizational Clarity: “ETEC 561 Fall 2012: Section 4: Human Performance Technology” blog

This is a blog that briefly discusses Human Performance Technology the main thing you can take away from this is the graphic of the ASTD HPT Model and possibly if you are a student you can use as that much-needed reference for a project. Please click the link to learn more:

ETEC 561 Fall 2012: Section 4: Human Performance Technology: Not all problems in learning and/or performance require an instructional one. Many times a non-instructional approach is a more ap…