Organizational Clarity: Unicorn Books and Music

Okay, as an Organizational Development student (finishing in Winter 2017) it is very hard to separate “real life” from the OD realm in which constant analysis occurs. Evaluation, engagement, interaction all of this is summed up, categorized and reanalyzed with every organization or representative we meet, it is very hard to shut it off. In fact, we as professionals are usually on a constant rant about how to make things better (with an organization) that every business whether it is a large corporation or a mom and pop has the pleasure of undergoing this type of scrutiny.

The one thing that most professionals in the Organizational Development field wish to have is the chance to “see” an organization/ business as it starts out with a purely “Clean slate”. Just to get a psychological understanding of what first motivated its founders into beginning their business, to all the ins and outs of the decision process. From choosing the name to the location of the first location, these “basic building blocks” are essential to the business success, therefore, seeing or hearing it all got started firsthand, and not two to ten years later is fantastic.

There is an old friend of mine starting a Book, collectible and music store down in Winchester, Kentucky, the business is called Unicorn Books and Music. In Organizational Development, you maintain a standard of ethics so I could not pry too much into what was going on but, his email announcement of stating his intentions was right on the money. Plus, it allowed me the chance to ask a couple of questions while not being an OD “freak” at the same time.

The email got into the reason why he is starting the business because like most OD Professionals he had the analytic strength of observing how to run a business like this firsthand and what he would do to make it better if given a chance. Exactly, what most OD professionals are guilty of in some capacity!!!

Being a huge collectible nut myself and a friend I cannot wait to this store opens on June 10th and hopefully, I will be able to pick his brain on the ins and outs of starting a new business and the challenges that go with it (that’s OD for you).

As with the downloads, I review what I recommend so this is the address of the new store so if you are in the area or are online you can review them as well:

Unicorn Books And Music

18 N. Main Street

Winchester, Kentucky, KY 40391

Author: organizationalclarity

This is a Site with blogs, and soon web pages that will have a focus on the multiple aspects of Organizational Development. Originally started as a class project the information posted here will occur on an ongoing basis. As I have stated to one of my Professors: I want this site to have “Organization Development (OD) as a recurring theme, adding articles and videos directly regarding OD, to adding commentary that is along the lines of OD about various business articles I have read recently. Basically to illustrate the point that once one graduates with a degree they will still need a body of work outside the classroom to show how they stay relevant to other like-minded professionals in the field, while also providing a place to network and find additional resources (about OD) throughout their career…” I think one of the main things I have found upon online is the uneven availability of resources for OD professionals, there are a few sites that have tons of great information presented by individuals and organizations on a significant scale. Then there are a vast numbers of individuals (and organizations) that present a minuscule explanation or information about what Organization Development is and the resources that can effectively explain or do the job of an OD professional. My hope is to gain that middle ground between the two groups (I have aforementioned) with the information that I post upon this site periodically. In the hopes that it corrals the majority of these different aspects to become a resource that professionals, students, and individuals with an interest in the field can use.

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